Just a quick reminder that I will be drawing the winners for over $400 in business and buzz-building tools and books on Friday, October 30 from among those who have registered early for the Publici-Tea™ Express taking place 11-06 from 9:30 a.m. – noon at Seattle Design Center. Check out all the prizes at this link.

Sixty people have already registered, and the goal is to attract a total of 100 perfect guests to benefit from the DIY publicity, social media marketing, and book publishing tips, resources, and stories of decisive stunning results we will be sharing on event day.  This is also a great opportunity to network with great people — many of whom likely need to know more about you.

Join me and special guest speaker Patrick Snow for what promises to be a delicious and inspiring session. Then, enjoy the visual bounty and splendor of Seattle Design Center once the session concludes.

Learn more and register by Friday, October 30 so you can win prizes — many valued higher than the modest $49 registration fee you pay to attend.  Remember, former and current clients of mine,  Publici-Tea™ graduates, members of Seattle Design Center, and clients of Patrick Snow attend at the $25 VIP rate! Here is the link to learn more and make your reservation. Hope to see you there!